TOP 10 Minecraft Maps
TOP 10: Minecraft Maps What are Minecraft maps? Minecraft maps are like MiniGames. They are worlds created and coded in such a manner that the player will play the game the way its designed to. Here is the list of the top 10 minecraft map that you can play in alone, or upload it to your multiplayer server. [Writer's note: The order in which the names of the maps are arranged, are irrespective to their rank, and that they have been arranged in no specific order, and that their position is irrespective] 10. Skyblock Just imagine, that instead of spawning in a regular world, full of lush green trees, and animals abound, you find yourself in a floating island, with a chest and a tree, on a dirt platform. That's it! As strange and odd it might sound, it's much more intriguing, and a scope of epic adventure. Almost every MC Streamer has tried this map at least once. Why aren't you? INSTALL SKYBLOCK! 9. Super Pirate Battle Royale Meant for Multiplayer servers, Super Pirate Ba...